Championing the Value of Administrative Professionals

Administrative Professionals are often the most pivotal yet overlooked individuals in an organization. Frequently dismissed as “just the secretary,” this outdated view conjures images from the 1960s when women, often referred to as “girls”, were relegated to serving coffee and pleasing the male gaze in the office. In reality, administrative professionals fulfill a multitude of roles, including project managers, operations managers, or organizational encyclopedias. They are often expected to perform like wizards, making things happen as if by magic. They are the glue that keeps everything together for their organization, yet they frequently find themselves unrecognized and underappreciated.

Enter me. Hi, I’m Katie, and I am passionate about empowering and supporting administrative professionals nationwide and globally as they navigate and thrive in this unique and fulfilling career. My journey to becoming an administrative professional was seemingly predestined, as I proudly wear the badge of being a third-generation administrative professional, following in the footsteps of my mother and grandmother. When I say that this profession is in my blood, I genuinely mean it.

In early 2016, I was ready to transition from my college job at The Disneyland Resort to my “big girl job,” and I knew without a doubt that I wanted to be an administrative professional. I was blessed to join a small business, Tri City Printing, that invested in training and developing me over the next two years. When the company moved out of state, I took time to explore the opportunities I had for the next chapter in my career. I dabbled in temp work but found that my skills were vastly underutilized. Eventually, I found my place at Biola University, working in the University Advancement division from June 2018 to April 2024. Being part of a nonprofit afforded me the chance to learn a diverse array of skills by taking on various roles.

In May 2022, I had the opportunity to attend EA Ignite, a conference organized by the American Society for Administrative Professionals (ASAP), for senior-level executive assistants. At a pivotal moment in my career, with my executive being promoted from Associate Vice President to Vice President, which is considered a C-Suite position at Biola, I recognized the need to enhance my skills. I am eternally grateful that I met Melissa Peoples at the conference, who shared several timely strategy processes and mindsets with me. Through EA Ignite and connecting with Melissa, I discovered my passion for professional development for administrative professionals. I delved into best practices, acquired new skills, expanded my network, sought mentors, and embraced new technologies. It was during this time that I was asked to join the Advisory Board for ASAP, specifically sitting on the EA Ignite Committee.

Late 2023 and early 2024 has also been an interesting time: I navigated a unique period at Biola as an Executive Assistant without an executive to assist, following my former supervisor's brave decision to pursue a role outside of the university that better suited her work-life balance. I kept myself busy as the Office Manager and event planner for our division, in addition to managing various projects for our donor relations team. However, I knew that there was more out there and had a mindset of “if not now, then when”. I began my quiet job search.

I applied to over 250 organizations and received 18 first-round interviews and five second-round interviews. Of those in second-round interviews, two ghosted me, one had me go through five rounds of interviews before rejecting me, and I received two job offers. I selected the job offer that most aligned with my dreams and aspirations, and I am set to start as the Executive Assistant to the President/COO of AIT Worldwide Logistics on April 29, 2024.

I have been very fortunate to work with incredible people who recognize the skill and value I bring to the organization. However, many of my peers across the admin industry have had different experiences. I hear daily from peers who are burdened with impossible tasks by their executives and receive no acknowledgment when they complete them with excellence." Reports indicate that administrative professionals are underpaid, especially considering the indispensable nature of our work. A quick glance at job boards on LinkedIn or Indeed reveals that many organizations need help understanding the distinct roles of receptionist, administrative assistant, executive assistant, and office manager, each with unique skill sets, focuses, and value.

This is precisely why I am here. "The Admin Advocate" is launching because I want to be a voice that spotlights the incredible, impactful, and meaningful work of administrative professionals. My goal is to ensure that every administrative professional has access to resources, whether it's ideas, templates, technologies, training, or networking opportunities. I aim to celebrate and support those who may not receive recognition within their organizations and am dedicated to helping others grow and excel in our vital work.

Thank you for joining me on this journey! I'd love to hear from you—drop a note in the comments with your name and your journey as an administrative professional. What ignites your passion? What challenges do you face? What knowledge are you seeking to expand your expertise? Your insights will shape our future discussions, and I can't wait to delve into the topics that matter most to you.


Understanding the Spectrum of Administrative Professional Titles and Roles