Recent Features with the American Society of Administrative Professionals

This week’s post is going to be a bit different, as I’m currently in the midst of hosting a 60+-person week-long offsite, which requires my full attention. But fear not! Over the past few weeks, I’ve had the honor of being part of various media pieces from the American Society of Administrative Professionals (ASAP), which I am excited to share with you! I am looking forward to sharing with you the insights that I have learned over the course of planning my offsite in coming blogs, but for this week…enjoy!

I am delighted to share that I was chosen as ASAP’s September 2024 Admin of the Month! You can read more about my story and insights here:

I also had the opportunity to participate in 5 different podcast episodes for The Admin Edge Podcast, produced by ASAP. All of these episodes were recorded at EA Ignite Spring 2024, in Nashville, TN.

Looking forward, I am very excited to be attending EA Ignite Fall 2024 in Miami, FL. Tickets are completely sold out for Fall 2024, BUT…registration has just opened for EA Ignite Spring 2025, which is being hosted in Louisville, KY on May 6-8, 2025. If you are interested in attending but have questions, please either leave a comment down below or reach out to me by clicking the “Contact Me” button below, and I would love to set up a time to chat.


Beyond the Spotlight: A Lesson on Mindsets for Administrative Professionals from the Paris 2024 Olympics